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includes trial cloud fax service connections.
Vitelity showcases how the AudioCodes Fax ATA adds security as well as simplifies their fax deployment scenario.
ENA improves
faxing reliability by
moving fax negotiations to their datacenter with the help
of the HTTPS Fax ATA.
NET SatisFAXtion and AudioCodes has completely resolved the stability issues that the previous solution suffered.
NET SatisFAXtion helps "build" business while providing a more dependable and more affordable fax solution than the competition.
NET SatisFAXtion increases profitability and yields a ROI for this California-based travel agency.
NET SatisFAXtion's Print-to-Fax capabilities and tight integration with desktop applications simplifies outbound faxing.
DID routing guarantees secure and accurate fax deliveries for Pac-West's inbound messaging needs.
Phipps House boosts productivity by receiving faxes at their desktop with NET SatisFAXtion's PDF Converter Module.